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          ^Ghost In The Shell Theme Song^

ghost-mov.gif (16164 bytes)Ghost in the shell is a futuristic anime set in the year 2029 AD. It about a corporation so advanced that it can produce cybornetic enhanced bodies for humans & a cop called Motoko Kusanagi who is on the trail of a ghost hacker  figure3.gif (12529 bytes)called "The Puppet Master". The puppet master is not a living being, but a sea of infomation created by the power of the net. Ghost in the shell has super realistic fight scenes, cool special effects & gadgets like thermo optic camoflage ( the ability to render yourself invisible). Motoko has thermo optic camoflage, but only when she is completly naked, so you see her naked quite a bit in the movie. all round the movie is awesome but it has a really weird ending (weirder than AKIRA), but i suggest you check it out cause this movie rocks. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS MOVIE ON THE BIG SCREEN !!!

            MOVIE FILES

You'll need Quick Time to view the movies. get Quicktime 3.0 NOWqtime.gif (1182 bytes)

ghostmov01.jpg (5291 bytes) ghostmov03.jpg (4112 bytes)
        Movie01 (808kb)

download(1).gif (28228 bytes)

         Movie02 (844kb)

download(1).gif (28228 bytes)


          The Image Archieve                                                        SOUND   FILES

enter.gif (2677 bytes)      The songs song files below are in Real Player Format.                                                                                                             If you dont have Real Player then get itfreeplayer_g2.gif (1187 bytes)

          E-mail me about Ghost in the shell, or some improvments             Ghost In The Shell Theme Song

          i need to make to this page  atmark.gif (13804 bytes)                                           Artificial Intellegence

                                                                                                            My Code Name

                                                                                                          Puppet's DNA

                                                                                                            Ghost Hacker

                                                                                                            Motoko's Inner Self

                                                                                                            Advanced Technology



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