The Story starts off with Squall Lionheart being a student at the school known as G.A.R.D.E.N. This school mostly teaches students the art of magic. Squall hopes to graduate from garden & wishes to join SeeD, a school for graduates of garden & teaches most advanced magic. Well Squalls wishes come true & he graduates from garden after completing a hazardess mission in the town of Dollet. During this time he meets with a few of his friends that acompany Squall on most of his quest. The story starts off sort of like Final Fantasy VII, were you first get set missions & then the story expands into a great adventure into hell & back (not actually hell). There is a cast of evil characters in the form of a witch called Edea & another person that squall knows very well ( find that person out for yourself). The story even travels in another demension with a character called Laguna Loire, Laguna is in a parallel demension to Squall & it is likely that these two will meet up in the great adventure.