Vision Of Escaflowne
The intro theme to "Vision of Escaflowne"
The Vision of Escaflowne was the next big hit in Japan after Evangelion finished. The series is 13 tapes long covering 26 episodes, the series is not available in PAL format yet for us Australian's, only in NTSC format right now, but we should be expecting the PAL release of the series shortly.
Vision of Escaflowne has a lot sword & sorcery & medievil touches to it, but it also has a lot of futuristic feel with the giant Mecha ( huge fighting robots) that really kick ass.
Not much on this page now, only a picture archieve & a new music section to add, but come back later & you shall see the finished product very soon!
Vision of Escaflowne pictures & music are copy right to their respectful owner's. This Vision of Escaflowne page was made by aNiMeGoD, if you want to use a pic or text from this page, email me & i'll tell you if its alright.